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Happening @ Bethel

Sunday Services are at 9:30 am and 11 am. Children's ministry for ages 0 - 11 will be offered after Praise and Worship, Communion, and Announcements, at the 11 am service only. Additional parking is available at the back of the church.
Bethel Church meets for corporate Prayer, Praise, and midweek Bible teaching on Wednesdays at 6:45 pm. All are encouraged and welcome to attend.

Bethel Pioneer Kids Club meets every Wednesday from 6:45 pm - 8 pm. Children ages 5 - 11 are welcome to learn skills, and memory verses and earn badges through the year. Parents please sign up children and sign children in and out through the year.

Bethel Youth meets every other Sunday evening for Bible Study, Worship, and fellowship with snacks, games, and friends. Youth grade 7 to 12 are welcome to join.

Ladies will be meeting for Bible Study on the first Monday of the month. Ladies also enjoy ladies' breakfasts and crafts throughout the year.

Men meet on the last Thursday of the month for a men's Bible study. Men's Breakfast are held in the Fall, Winter and Fathers Day.
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